Bible Irony
As a fundamentalist Christian, I was absolutely certain that the Bible was the inspired word of God, the only reliable source of truth. I believed that the Old Testament existed to point ahead to Jesus, and that the New Testament revealed salvation through Jesus' sacrifice. Obviously, with such an important message, the New Testament must have had a beautiful, miraculous, clear, and quick creation.....right? I imagined it something like this: soon after Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to heaven, some people who had followed Jesus felt compelled to write his biography (the four gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John). They didn't consult with each other, so they each show a slightly different perspective of Jesus. From consulting all four of them, we get a complete picture of Jesus. Not very long after, I imagined, as Jesus' followers formed churches in various cities, they got letters of instruction of Paul and the other apostles. Th...