Parenting Articles Worth Sharing
Growing up exclusively within fundamentalist and Christian Patriarchy circles, I only heard about two kinds of parents: "godly" parents who spanked their kids, and "worldly" parents who let their kids run wild. As usual, there was no middle ground and no ability to adapt the method to fit the parents or the child. Now, as an ex-fundamentalist parent , I'm learning to dig up and reject false dichotomies like this one that were deeply ingrained in my thinking. I'm starting to develop a perspective of parenting that is less simplistic, more balanced, and more informed by child psychology, biology, linguistics, and statistics. There is a name for the perspective that resonates most with me: it's called positive parenting or gentle parenting. I'd like to share a couple of my favorite online articles on the topic with you, and I hope to find more good reading on the topic from your recommendations. Positive Parenting Is Not Permissive Parenting ...