Partnering with "Homeschoolers Anonymous"
Perhaps at one point, the homeschooling movement was so fragile that it couldn't deal with any scrutiny, but that is no longer the case. It has now become a thriving educational option with a lot to offer. And, as one of many educational options--like public school, Christian school, Catholic school, Montessori school, etc--it is time to allow a balanced approach to the discussion that shows the good, the bad, and the ugly. Along with the great success stories of homeschooling, there are many other stories of pain, neglect, and abuse that were enabled or exacerbated by homeschooling. That is why I'm so excited to partner with a new website called Homeschoolers Anonymous . Although it's not even a month old, already so many former homeschoolers have found their way there to share their stories. As many of those former homeschoolers know, it is difficult to decide to share these stories. Within fundamentalist Christian homeschooling, we were tra...